TRACTOR PULL All Videos from Parowan, UT 2015

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Part 1 you can see below or click on this link
Featuring: John Kirkland  * Treyson Hansen * Morgan Bronson
Neil Stevens * Kip Hansen * David Sabina
Brittany Jenkins * Destiny Mampel

Part 2 video also available here on this link.  
Featuring: Leroy Brady * David Sabina * Tommy Cooper * Sam Kravetz
Sheridan Hansen * Paul Moen * Dail Brady

Part 3 video is now ready to watch on this link.
Featuring: Jimmy Prather * Leroy Brady * Jordan Sheratt * Jonah Mampel * John Sheratt
Charles Canham

Part 4 is now ready to watch on this link.
Featuring : Rosie Kirkland * Red Salisbury * David Shireman * Richard Jenkins * David Christensen

Fred Kravetz - Furguson TO30 1952 FS at the CCAMA tractor pull in Parowan, UT during the Iron County Fair 2015. click on pictures for a larger view*

You couldn't ask for a nicer day then this. The grandstands were full and the participants in the pull and the safety team were amazing to watch.
John Kirkland explained the basic safety procedure of tractor pull. ( paraphrased as close as I could )  
When they flag you stop. Let them hook you up. Put your hands in the air, after you put it into neutral, feet on the brake, hands in the air. They will hook you and when they give you the OK you can tighten the chain and begin your pull. Watch the flagman all the time cause if there are any problems, when he flags you off you need to stop. He will stop you when you get to the end. When you unhook, you back your tractor up, take her out of gear, put on the brake and your hands in the air again and the flagman will tell you when you're clear.
Kip Hansen thanked the Iron County Fair royalty that was with us which was followed by a big applause. Kip continues:
Our organization that we're a part of here is with the Color Country Antique Machinery Association. Now color country, you people, you live here, you understand we live in color country. But us tractors guys, color means something else entirely different than that. If you're an old tractor guy, generally you have your color. And some of us, they don't usually ask you what kind of tractor do you have, they ask, "What color do you do?"  You know there is John Deere green and Farmall red, and of course we don't want to forget Allis Chalmer's brilliant orange; Minneapolis Moline's prairie gold... Oliver meadow green, so its about the colors too but the most important colors are the colors of our nation, the red, white, and blue and I think it would be appropriate before we go on through the program right now that everyone right now turn and face the flag......
Everyone stood and faced our American flag. The sound of our voices  were then heard  as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Annette Hansen gave us the Invocation, Opening Prayer which affirmed and brought together a diversified crowd of people and made whole our event.
David Christensen did a great job as announcer and fostered participation and showmanship with the drivers and the crowd as well as easy to understand information about the pull and the tractors for the crowd.  I was thrilled how the drivers waved to the crowd and hearing the roar of the crowd.
June Salisbury, our Secretary, took care of everything from recording the distances, to handing out the ribbons and trophies and more. The beautiful trophies were given to us by the City of Parowan. Rosie Kirkland, our Treasurer is working right there with June helping to make this a wonderful event for you all.

Part 1 Featuring

John Kirkland  * Treyson Hansen * Morgan Bronson
Neil Stevens * Kip Hansen * David Sabina
Brittany Jenkins * Destiny Mampel

Note : Technical difficulties ( batteries) with my video occurred during Brittany and Destiny's pull.
 I did not to get their whole pull. They both had such a great pull !

Be sure to "Like" this video on you tube and share if you're there.

Thank you for visiting CCAMA ( 6971 page views )
Now we look forward to the Cedar Livestock Festival parade and tractor pull.

Until then here is a quote: 

 The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred. ~ Adrian Cronauer 

 Deborah Moen
Site Administrator

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Cotton Days 2009